what is report writting

report writting

A report is a structured written presentation directed to interested readers in response to some specific purpose, aim or request. Characteristics of an effective report A report is a structured written presentation directed to interested readers in response to some specific purpose, aim or request. There are many varieties of reports, but generally their function is to give an account of something, to answer a question, or to offer a solution to a problem. An effective report is: • Appropriate to its purpose and audience • Accurate • Logical • Clear and concise • Well organised with clear section headings. Report structure One important advantage that a report has over other written communication is that it follows a standardised format. This enables readers to find and focus on specific parts of information. Most reports are modelled on the following structure (modified where necessary). 1. Transmittal document 2. Title page 3. Table of contents 4. Abstract/Executive Summary 5. Introduction 6. Discussion 7. Conclusions 8. Recommendations 9. Bibliography. Report writing procedure stage 1: Planning Define the purpose: • Read the brief carefully • Identify key words • Make sure you know what's really being asked Define the audience: • Determine your audience's level of understanding • Determine what your audience needs to know. Establish parameters: • Determine the scope and level of detail required • Determine the length of the report and what can be covered in that length. REPORT WRITING Report Writing 1 Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Gather information: • Make sure the information you gather is relevant, contemporary and factually correct • Make sure that you transcribe facts and figures correctly. Report writing procedure stage 2: Writing Write the report in three steps: 1. Write the body 2. Write the abstract/executive summary 3. Write the supplementary material Advice on each stage is provided below. Step 1: Write the body There are four components of the body of the report: the introduction, the discussion, the conclusion and the recommendations. Introduction The introduction leads into the main subject matter by giving the necessary background of the report, its aims, premises, scope, limitations, approach intended audience, possible benefits and any instructions that may be useful for the reader. If specialist terms are used in the report, define them clearly. It puts the discussion in perspective, explains why the report is necessary and gives background information on the subject matter. Discussion The discussion is the main body of the report. Use headings and sub-headings. It describes, analyses, interprets and evaluates the procedures, data, findings, relationships, visual material, methodology and results in the report. This material should be presented in an order that leads logically towards the conclusions and recommendations. In writing the discussion section of the body, you should: • Pitch at appropriate level • Organise material logically • Use clear, concise language • Give concrete examples. Conclusion Conclusions are drawn from evidence, analysis, interpretation and evaluation presented in the discussion. No new material should be introduced; the conclusions should follow logically from the Discussion. The Conclusion section should give: • Conclusions • Key points • Main findings.
shaikh zahoor mehdi


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