Every practicum experience is guided by three participants: (1) the Student Teacher, (2) the Cooperating Teacher, and (3) the College/University Supervisor. What happens in the classroom and how it is interpreted will depend on the views of each member of the triad. It is important to negotiate common expectations for roles and responsibilities. If expectations are clear and understood by each member, the experience is more likely to be satisfactory for all. Student Teachers should take ownership of their own learning and at the same time receive consistent feedback and daily mentoring from their Cooperating Teachers at the school. While the Cooperating Teachers’ role is primarily mentoring, they are also required to provide the Student Teachers with formative and summative feedback. In order for Student Teachers to connect the theory they have learned in their teacher education programs to their current teaching practice, they will need active participation by the College/University Supervisors, who will monitor the Student Teachers’ assignments and lesson planning and, more important, observe them as they teach and provide them with formative feedback throughout the semester.   The documents provided will assist you in completing your practicum semester requirements and seminar assignments, and in developing artefacts to place in your developmental portfolio.


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