Overview of Roles and Supervision Role of the Student Teacher There are two major aspects to the Student Teacher’s role during the semester: •His or her activities in the classroom, school, and community •Continuous reflection upon and documentation of professional growth within a developmental portfolio The Student Teacher should become involved in the instructional program of the classroom as soon as possible. The experience will begin with observations, and the Student Teacher will gradually assume more responsibility for planning and teaching through activities such as those laid out in the expectations to follow. Role of the Cooperating Teacher The Cooperating Teacher is the day-to-day mentor of the Student Teacher. As the on-site teacher educator, the Cooperating Teacher plays an essential role in integrating the Student Teacher into the daily life of the school and classroom as well as helping him or her build relationships with the children. The Cooperating Teacher should impart school and classroom policies and procedures, the daily and semester schedule, and the curriculum, and provide the Student Teacher with a class list, school textbooks, teacher’s guides, and so on. Finally, the Cooperating Teacher should work with other members of the practicum triad to set up a program for the Student Teacher’s gradual assumption of classroom responsibilities during the semester. This plan should include provisions for Student Teacher involvement in all types of instructional tasks as well as non-instructional tasks such as home–school communication, parent conferences, and staff development. Role of the College/University Supervisor The College/University Supervisor is the official representative of the college/university. Therefore, the supervisor is responsible for the supervision of the Student Teachers; serves as the liaison between the college/university and the cooperating schools’ personnel; and helps to establish and maintain positive relationships between the two institutions. The College/University Supervisor’s primary role is to provide formative feedback and guidance to the Student Teachers by discussing issues of professional practice; administering a guided seminar experience; and conferring with the Student Teachers about their teaching and learning. Finally, at the end of the semester, the College/University Supervisor will assess the developmental portfolio produced by the Student Teacher in order to assign a grade for the practicum. The triad should meet formally at least three times during the semester. Specific requirements for each member are detailed within these handbooks.
2 Semester 3 Developmental Practicum Student Teacher Handbook ADE/B.Ed.(Hons) Elementary
Student Teacher HB3_handbook  8/27/13  11:10 AM  Page 2
Triad Meetings During the practicum semesters, it is imperative that the Student Teacher, Cooperating Teacher, and College/University Supervisor meet on a regular basis to support the Student Teacher as he/she learns to teach. The College/University Supervisor should take notes at each triad meeting and provide a copy of the meeting notes to the Cooperating Teacher and Student Teacher. Initial Meeting The purpose of this meeting is to get to know each other and to ensure that the expectations of the practicum are mutually understood. The following objectives should be on the agenda: •Distribute contact details and communication guidelines for each member •Share resources •Establish expectations regarding Student Teacher’s teaching schedule (times and days of the week)◦ Hours of attendance in accordance with the school’s policy◦ College/university requirements for the practicum, including school-based◦ assignments and observations Student Teacher’s timeline for co-planning, co-teaching, and finally independent◦ teaching The role of the College/University Supervisor and how feedback should be provided◦ to the Student Teacher •Set a date and time for the midterm meeting, and sign the triad form Midterm Meeting The purpose of this meeting is to assess the Student Teacher’s progress; to identify areas of growth; and to review and revise goals for the remainder of the practicum. Each participant should bring a reflection on how the Student Teacher is progressing. The Student Teacher should bring the Notes for Self-Assessment worksheet indicating what artefacts have already been collected and how they meet the National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan (NPSTP). At the end of this meeting, the Student Teacher should be clear on what he/she still needs to do to complete the practicum successfully. The following objectives should be on the agenda:•Review each participant’s experiences to date •Review midpoint reflection (use the NPSTP rubrics) •Set goals as a team for the Student Teacher to complete by the end of the semester •Discuss the progress of the Student Teacher’s developmental portfolio •Set a date and time for the final meeting, and sign the triad form Final Meeting The final meeting provides an opportunity to assess how the Student Teacher has progressed during the practicum semester. It is also an opportunity to conduct a fair, honest, and detailed final assessment of the Student Teacher’s semester, including a review of his/her developmental portfolio. The following objectives should be on the agenda: •Review the entire semester •Share areas of strength and areas where development and growth are needed •Deliver a final reflection (Student Teacher) •Complete final assessment and sign the triad form •Thank the Cooperating Teacher for her/his time and assistance


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