Developmental Portfolio The developmental portfolio is a collation of all the Student Teacher’s teaching and learning experiences during Semester 3. The Cooperating Teacher and the College/University Supervisor can see the Student Teacher’s academic progress as a developmental process, culminating in a product that provides a holistic picture of the Student Teacher’s ability by the end of the semester. The components of the developmental portfolio should provide evidence of how the Student Teacher meets the National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan as well as the standards set by the college/university and the school. Portfolio materials should allow a multifaceted assessment of the Student Teacher.  The developmental portfolio should include all assignments, reflections, and feedback from the semester. Because the developmental portfolio should be highly personalized and represent the Student Teacher as an individual, he or she may add further artefacts if he/she believes these can also showcase his/her ability as an emerging teacher.    The developmental portfolio should consist of the following four sections: •School-based assignments: Non-observation assignments◦ Observations of Cooperating Teachers◦ Observations of peer Student Teachers◦ •Planning:Lesson plans created ◦ Feedback on the lesson plans by various mentors ◦ Worksheets and assessment tools to be used by children with these lesson plans ◦ •Teaching:Lesson plans actually taught ◦ Student worksheets used in teaching ◦ Samples of work completed by the children and feedback given to them ◦ Photos, videotaping, or recording of teaching (if available) ◦ Personal reflections on teaching ◦ •Feedback:Informal and formal observation by Cooperating Teachers and College/University ◦ Supervisors Pre-observation guides and post-observation reflection


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